FIFA partially suspends new football agent regulation


FIFA partially suspended the new regulation on football agents, after some courts granted precautionary measures filed on discordant articles.


«FIFA decided to suspend this regulation until the Court of Justice of the European Union rules on the validity of some of its rules. Depending on the decision made, there will or will not be a need to adapt it. In this context, last December, FIFA's expectation was that, within approximately half a year, it would have a decision", pointed out Gonçalo Almeida, lawyer and judge of the Chamber of Agents of the Football Court of the body that oversees world football, in statements to Lusa.


The reduction in the maximum commission received by agents from client transfers and salaries, the ban on multiple representation and mandatory licensing were some of the new measures proposed, the legality of which was contested by the sector.

FIFA partially suspends new football agent regulation FIFA partially suspends new football agent regulation Reviewed by Heitor Baptista on fevereiro 19, 2024 Rating: 5

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